Thanks for attending the Fall 2023 Conference with EPI!
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Wednesday, November 8th, 2023
8:00am - 7:00pm (CEUs end by 4:30pm)
Stoney Creek Inn
5291 Stoney Creek Ct.
Johnston, Iowa 50131
CEUs for GWP's (6), Well Contractors (6 contact hours), and for Water Operators (7)
Discounted room rate code: 2411ENVIRON
8:00 Welcome/Introductions, Presidents of IGWA and EPI
8:30 Janet Castle - Eagle Synergistic: "HRSC Tools to better Delineate Sources, Contamination Storage, and Transport Zones"
9:15 Lee Anne Willson, PhD: "Ames Climate Action Plan
9:45 Break
10:15 Emmanuel Mantey - PhD Student, ISU: "Disparities in Potential Nitrate Exposures within Iowa Public Water Supplies"
11:00 Rebecca Ohrtman and Greg Brennan, Decorah Sourcewater: "Assessment and Modeling to Establish a Defensible WHPA"
12:00 Lunch
1:00 Matt Graesch, P.G. - DNR: "Iowa DNR PFAS Action Plan - Surveillance and Results"
1:45 Keith Gaskill, Regenesis: "Colloidal Activated Carbon used to Reduce PFAS and PCE Concentrations in Groundwater to Below Michigan’s Drinking Water Limits for over Four Years"
2:30 Break
2:45 Santanu Bakshi, PhD, ISU: "Biochar - Uses and Advantages"
3:15 Mike Sullivan and Keith Wilken - DNR: "DNR Contaminated Sites and UST Section Updates"
4:00 Christian Quijano - Petroleum Marketers Management Insurance Company: "PMMIC Update"
4:15 James Gastineau - DNR: "UST Fund Update"
4:30 Wrap Up and Discussion
5:00 Vendor Booths and Cocktails
6:30 End of Conference